Saturday, January 15, 2011

Picasso Faces - Self Portrait

Picasso Faces
Student's Art Work

Picasso's Cubism was influenced by the artist Ce'zenne, whi "in searching for basic expressive forms. . .largely disregarded surface appearance and transformed familiar shapes; in building his images he ignored the traditional values of sentiment and beauty" (Robb, David M. and Garrison J.J., Art in the Western World. Harper and Row: New York, 1963, P. 611).

Student's Art Work


Friday, January 14, 2011

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

·        Born:
October 25 1881, Malaga, Spain
·        Died:
April 8 1973, Mougins, France
·        Father:
José Ruiz Blasco (1838 - 1913)
·        Mother:
Maria Picasso Y Lopez (1855 - 1939)
     ·        Period: Young Picasso(1881 - 1901)
          Blue Period(1901 - 1904)
          Rose Period(1904 - 1906)
          Black Period(1906 - 1907)
          Cubism(1907 - 1915)
·       It is important to fully realize the importance of    cubism. It isn't just "Picasso's style" but marks the real beginning of abstract art.



·    In October of 1964, in an article describing this new style of art, Time Magazine coined the phrase "Optical Art"
·   Op Art is comprised of illusion, and often appears - to the human eye - to be moving or breathing due to its precise, mathematically-based composition.
·   Because of its geometrically-based nature, Op Art is, almost without exception, non-representational.
·   The elements employed (color, line and shape) are carefully chosen to achieve maximum effect.
·   The critical techniques used in Op Art are perspective and careful juxtaposition of color (whether chromatic [identifiable hues] or achromatic [black, white or gray]).
·   In Op Art, as in perhaps no other artistic school, positive and negative spaces in a composition are of equal importance. Op Art could not be created without both.

Victor Vasarely

Victor Vasarely

Victor Vasarely

·        one of the most important artists of the 20th century
·        born in Pecs, Hungary in 1906
·        In 1947, Vasarely discovered his place in abstract art
·        He conceived that form and color are inseparable
·        "Every form is a base for color; every color is the attribute of a form."






Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pop Art

  • Pop Art was a visual art movement that emerged in the 1950s in Britain and the United States.

  • The origin of the term Pop Art is unknown.
  • Also is call "popular mass culture" instead of "pop art".
  • The movement was marked by clear lines, sharp paintwork and clear representations of symbols, objects and people commonly found in popular culture.


Andy Warhol

*Birth name: Andrew Warhola
*Born: Born August 6, 1928 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
*Died: February 22, 1987 New York, New York
*Nationality: American
*Field : Painting
Training: Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh
Movement Pop Art
Famous works: Campbell's Soup Can 1968
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Male