Friday, January 14, 2011



·    In October of 1964, in an article describing this new style of art, Time Magazine coined the phrase "Optical Art"
·   Op Art is comprised of illusion, and often appears - to the human eye - to be moving or breathing due to its precise, mathematically-based composition.
·   Because of its geometrically-based nature, Op Art is, almost without exception, non-representational.
·   The elements employed (color, line and shape) are carefully chosen to achieve maximum effect.
·   The critical techniques used in Op Art are perspective and careful juxtaposition of color (whether chromatic [identifiable hues] or achromatic [black, white or gray]).
·   In Op Art, as in perhaps no other artistic school, positive and negative spaces in a composition are of equal importance. Op Art could not be created without both.

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