Friday, January 14, 2011

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

·        Born:
October 25 1881, Malaga, Spain
·        Died:
April 8 1973, Mougins, France
·        Father:
José Ruiz Blasco (1838 - 1913)
·        Mother:
Maria Picasso Y Lopez (1855 - 1939)
     ·        Period: Young Picasso(1881 - 1901)
          Blue Period(1901 - 1904)
          Rose Period(1904 - 1906)
          Black Period(1906 - 1907)
          Cubism(1907 - 1915)
·       It is important to fully realize the importance of    cubism. It isn't just "Picasso's style" but marks the real beginning of abstract art.

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